Lemuel reaches out to the community in many ways. But, in all we do, we are looking for those trustworthy people. People who put true faith in Jesus. People wanting to be discipled and to grow. People who then desire to take what has been invested in them and invest it in others.
Modelene and Josiane (L and R respectively in the photo above) are two of those people. Over the years, we have poured into their lives, and it has brought us joy to see them grow in their faith, in their skills, and in their confidence. Recently, of their own initiative, they expressed their desire to reach other young women and girls around them. The formed three groups–grown women, teenage girls, and young girls. Together with two other young ladies (Rose-mitha and Geniese), they work with one or more of these groups every Saturday. They teach them Biblical truths, as well as practical skills, such as new recipes and techniques in the kitchen, embroidery, and social skills.
“My dream is for these women/girls to know God and His love for them, and to then show that love to others around them. I hope that one day they can be good examples for the generations coming behind them to look up to and follow.” says Josiane.
And so they pass it on.
And others learn and develop.
And confidence increases. And joy happens.
And seeds of the Gospel are planted. May the Lord make them grow.