If you want an adorable picture, just collect the first graders together and tell them they can use their buckets as drums!
Today, the school had a work day. All of the professors and the students came together to collect gravel and to fill the foundation of the new kindergarten building with dirt and rock (in preparation to lay the floor). I (Krischelle) had the first graders and their teacher Rachele in my yard collecting the (overabundant) gravel.
As Lemuel’s school gains more of a reputation, more and more students are signing up, especially at the kindergarten level. The kin classes have outgrown the temporary space they were using, and they desperately need their own building. All of us are putting our heads together to make this possible. The school itself has been putting forth incredible effort to begin the construction; the Cash-for-Work crew worked in the foundation for a couple weeks; and a team that is coming in July has also partnered with us for part of the construction.