École Mixte Lemuel (EML) is where Lemuel’s passion for education is lived out each day.
​​Our aim is that our students (age 3- Grade 9) would leave EML with 4 things:
1. An understanding of who God is, what he has done for them through Jesus Christ, and His purpose for their lives.
2. A quality academic education that prepares them to excel in higher education or a trade – as they so choose.
3. A love for their country, a respect for authority, and an ability to bring positive change wherever they end up.
4. A love of the written word, an ability to read with ease and understanding, and a passion for learning through

Education in our community carries many unique challenges (see below). At times our goals feel unattainable.
We recognize that it will take generations to fully achieve them. But we believe that the journey is worth it.
We believe that by the grace of God and with hard work, dedication, and investment in people, we can provide an excellent education for our students. But we can’t do it alone. If you would like to be part of making this possible, learn more about becoming a Grade Sponsor here.

Did You know?
The tagline in EML's logo means "Unite to transform."
EML's Mascot is the Blue and Gold Macaw.
EML's emblem is the mascot sitting in a tree that is growing from a book. At the bottom are the French words: Head · Heart · Hand. These words were taken from Booker T. Washington's autobiography "Up From Slavery" and reflect our desire to shape and prepare not only our students' minds, but their hearts and their practical skills as well.
French is the language of education in Haiti but children in our community hear and speak only Creole outside of school. We are not simply teaching a second language. We are teaching in a language the children are only beginning to learn and that they are socially conditioned to fear.
Extreme poverty - Drought, crop pests, desertification, erosion, natural disasters and many other factors have left the people of our community struggling to survive.
Lack of human resources - There are many factors that play into this, but the end result is that finding qualified, passionate teachers is a constant challenge.
Inflation, instability, and insecurity in the country as a whole - This has caused a general sense of discouragement and hopelessness throughout the country.
A lack of stimulating resources created for this context
Limited time for homework and studies – Many of our students must work hard in the early mornings and afternoons to help their families.
An educational culture of rote memorization without understanding (because of challenge #1) or critical thinking
Below are some of the many challenges we face in education: