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Community Development
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Meeting Needs, Maintaining Dignity

Our Community Development branch exists to address the needs of our community in ways that maintain dignity and encourage unity and hard work.  A wide range of activities fall under this objective!  Our wonderful Community Development Team works to: 

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Community Development activities run mostly off of project funds.  In other words, as projects are funded, our team is able to do more!  Ongoing projects are outreaches that are not "once-and-done."  They meet needs that cannot be solved all at once nut must be addressed over time or with much repetition.  Learn more about some of our ongoing projects and how you can get involved below.  Donations designated "Community Development" will be put toward whatever need is most pressing at the time.  

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Lemuel is constantly looking for solutions to the complex water shortage on the Plateau.  No single solution will solve the problem so Lemuel must address the issue from many angles. 







Temporary Work programs enable Lemuel to provide short-term work for men and women in our community and surrounding areas, while also accomplishing important community development projects.



Helping families build cisterns and latrines improves sanitation and quality of life.  Less time procuring water also means families have more time to put into other beneficial activities.

©2023 by Lemuel Ministries.

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